What to Do When Your Key Is Stuck in the Ignition

Today’s automobiles are designed to offer a lot in the way of convenience. Automobiles manufactured today allow you to stop when you have crossed a line, surf the Internet, call people hands-free and a lot more. We spend a lot of time in our cars, going to and from work, dropping the kids off at school and picking them up. It makes sense for manufacturers to add things to your car that they you will find of value. Regardless of how many bells and whistles many of the newer model vehicles have to offer, there are some things that are avoidable, such as getting your key stuck in your car’s ignition.

It might seem logical that you will experience mechanical issues from time to time but when your key is stuck in the ignition, you may not have a clue about what to do. When your key is stuck in the ignition, you can’t simply jerk it out, this will only lead to more problems. Snatching the key out of the ignition could lead to you needing to have your ignition switch replaced. This is what we are able to help you avoid. 

You can look at your key to see if it is bent. You may not readily recognize this and this is often why some keys get stuck ignition. Not only could the problem be with a bent key but it could also be a problem because the key was incorrectly cut, making it difficult for you to pull the key out of the ignition. This is something that occurs quite often.

We have outlined some simple steps that you can take before contacting us to help you safely remove your key from the ignition.

When your car is still turned on:

  • Loosen up your key by gently wiggling it. We suggest gently because if you are too rough with it, you may just break it inside the ignition.
  • Check to make sure your cars gear is placed in the parked position. It is highly unlikely that the key will not come out if it is not. In fact, it will not turn at all. 
  • Check the dashboard to see where the gear shift is located. You need to make certain that the shift is in the parked position. If it is still placed in drive or any other position, you will not be able to remove the key, despite your best efforts.

When your car is turned off:  

  • Nothing in your car will work if your battery is dead, the locks or ignition. Whenever locksmiths arrive to help you with this problem one of the first things, they will check is your battery. This is also something that a car thief will check when they are attempting to steal a car.
  • The placement of the key is very important. When it isn’t in the correct position it will be impossible for the key to be removed from the ignition. If you have an older vehicle, the cylinder might cause get stuck in the wrong position. This will make it easier to remove the key out.
  • You might try to loosen up the key by wiggling it slightly. This is the easiest and safest way to eventually remove the key. Wiggling it will help you slide the key out.

The things that we are suggesting that you try to do in order to remove your key from the ignition are the things that have worked previously. We wouldn’t suggest you try these things if they didn’t work before. You have to determine what you feel most comfortable in doing. We would hate for you to throw away your money simply because you reacted too quickly in removing your key and now you need to have a cylinder switch installed. Save yourself the trouble simply by remaining calm and thinking about some of the suggestion that we have offered to you. If you have tried some of the suggestions listed and you still were not able to remove the key, the next best thing to do is contact a qualified locksmith to remove the key for you. A qualified locksmith will know how to safely remove the key so that it doesn’t create any additional problems for the motorist.

If you are determined to remove the key yourself, you shouldn’t do anything other than the things suggested. It really could lead to a worse problem and we wouldn’t want you to have to find out the hard way. Don’t react because you are frustrated, you’ll be much better off if you just breath, calm yourself and think about your next move. We know this is easier said than done but trust us when we tell you that this is the best thing you can do for yourself. Acting hastily and ripping the key out is going to create more problems than you even imagine. 

Get the Right Help

If you decide to contact a locksmith to extract your key, make sure it is a reputable locksmith. You never want to just pick up the phone and contact the first person you see in the directory. Instead, quickly check a couple of business review websites to find out which locksmith service in your area is recommended. You could be saving yourself from the disappointment of receiving poor service from someone who only wants to get paid and doesn’t perform the job correctly. In the end, it pays to know who you are dealing with in order to receive the best quality of service possible. The reviews are unbiased because they are from people like you and me. They are just consumer’s that have something to say about the service they have received. Hearing their experience can help you make a good decision about who you’ll call to help you out.

choosing the one you’ll rely on to remove the key from your ignition. If a reputable and reliable locksmith attends to your locksmith service needs and they damage your ignition, they will be responsible for any damages caused.

Since unpredictable occurrences happen every day you have to be prepared for anything. A reputable and professional locksmith will usually make themselves available whenever they are needed, he most.

If you happen to have a car that uses a transponder key and it gets stuck, you definitely need the help of a professional locksmith who knows about transponder keys. The key will need to be removed without causing harm to the transponder chip inside the key. Some people have completely destroyed the key trying to remove it. You won’t have to worry about this when you rely on the services of a professional locksmith. They will be careful to remove the key so that you can go right on using it like you always have.

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Phone: (440) 536-3725
Lorain Locksmith Security